Is Today The Worst Day For Parents With Young Kids?

And Probably Daycare teachers…
One of the most important things I have learned about being a parent is that routine is king. You must get your kids into a routine. Wake up at 7am, have breakfast. 1 Year old goes down for a nap at 9am. Lunch at 12. 3 year old and 1 year old go down for a nap at 1pm. Dinner at 6 and bed time by 8pm.
It’s a perfect system. But then comes daylight savings and just messes with all the work my wife and I have done to get the kids into a routine. Spring ahead and lose an hour of the day. Now the kids are waking up at 8am (we were late to daycare today). The kids don’t eat lunch until 1 and naps don’t start until 2. What happened to the day? Dinner starts late and the kids don’t fall asleep until 9pm. What happened to my routine?
At least today I get to drop them off at Daycare. But boy do I feel bad for the Daycare teachers. Dealing with not one or two kids who have had their sleep schedule thrown off but 5-10 or more kids that are all cranky.
Now, I absolutely love the extra hour of sun at the end of the day. So we will fight through this and adjust this week. But that will just make me more mad for Day Light Savings ending in the fall. It will just mess up my routine all over again and I lose an hour of day light!
I can only imagine the elevated stress levels for everyone this week.
Everyone Together: Take a deep breathe and relax!
(Happy Early Spring From Henry and Avery!)